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Aishiteru tte Itte mo Ii yo

🇪🇸Aishiteru tte Itte mo Ii yo

Aishiterutte Itte mo Ii yo / Avoue que tu m'aimes (French) / รักก็บอกว่ารัก… ไม่เห็นจะยากสักหน่อย / Love Music / 放膽說愛我吧 / 愛してるって言ってもいいよ
oda aya
Volume 4 Chapter 13
Tonari no Atashi

Tonari no Atashi

بجانبي / สะดุดรัก คนข้างบ้าน / 隣のあたし / 隔壁的我 / 너 곁의 나 / Anh Bạn Hàng Xóm / Next to Me / Next to you (French)
nanba atsuko
Shoujo(G),Drama,Romance,School Life
Kuroneko Kareshi no Asobikata

Kuroneko Kareshi no Asobikata

Правила игры с черным котом / クロネコ彼氏のアソビ方 / 黑貓男友的玩法 / Kuroneko - Le jeu (French) / Kuroneko Kareshi no Asobi Kata / Kuroneko Kareshi no Asobi-kata / Kuroneko Kareshino Asobikata
ukyou ayane
Chapter 7
Toshishita no Ryuugi

Toshishita no Ryuugi

年下の流儀 / 年轻的作风 / Aussi cool que lui (French) / Cool as you (Germany) / Tan cool como él (Spanish)
maruya kae
Getsurin ni Kiri Saku

Getsurin ni Kiri Saku

月下斬魔之花 / 月輪に斬り咲く / ดาบอสูรพระจันทร์เลือด (Thai) / Getsurin ni Kiri Saku / Getsurin ni Kirisaku / Killing Blooms Under the Rounded Moon / Lune de sang (French) / Saku Kills on the Full Moon / Sword-Slicing Blossoms When the Moon is Full / Gachirin ni Kiri Saku
maruyama tomo
Chapter 51
Touhou Project dj - Huffy-huffy Fluffy-fluffy

Touhou Project dj - Huffy-huffy Fluffy-fluffy

東方Project dj - ふもふものもふもふ。 / Touhou Project dj - Huffy Huffy Fluffy Fluffy. / Touhou Project dj - Huffy-huffy Fluffy-fluffy.
angeltype / nejiki rio
Doujinshi,Comedy,Fantasy,Slice of Life
Chapter 0
Kyoukotsu no Yume

Kyoukotsu no Yume

狂骨の夢 / 狂骨之夢 / ปริศนาหัวกะโหลก (Thai) / Le Rêve du Kyoukotsu (French)
kyougoku natsuhiko / shimizu aki
Chapter 10
Watashi ga Itemo Inakutemo

Watashi ga Itemo Inakutemo

Ben Olsam da Olmasam da / 私がいてもいなくても / Dites-moi que j'existe (French) / Watashi ga Itemo Inakutemo / Whether I'm Here or Not / With or Without Me / 无论我在或者不在
ikuemi ryou
Josei(W),Shoujo(G),Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
Volume 3 Chapter 12
Boy of the Female Wolf

Boy of the Female Wolf

암컷 늑대의 소년 / 암컷늑대의 보이 / 암컷늑대의 BOY / Dişi Kurdun Oğlu (Türkçe) / Lalake ng Babaeng Lobo (Filipino) / فتى أنثى الذئب / الفتاة فتى-الذئب / Chico De La Loba (Spanish) / Chàng Gà Mái (Vietnamese) / 男孩的女性狼 (Chinese) / Сина на вълчицата (Bulgarian) / Dreng af hunulven (
han yu-rang
Shoujo(G),Action,Comedy,Gender Bender,Harem,Romance,School Life
Yankee kun to Megane chan

Yankee kun to Megane chan

ヤンキー君とメガネちゃん / 不良仔与眼镜妹 / นายโจ๋ตัวร้ายกับยัยแว่นแอ๊บใส / Drôles de racailles (French) / Flunk Punk Rumble / Nhóc Quậy Và Nhỏ 4 Mắt / The Yankee Boy and Glas
yoshikawa miki
Shounen(B),Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life
Chapter 212
Kimi o Suki na Riyuu

🇪🇸Kimi o Suki na Riyuu

君を好きな理由 / C'est pour ça que je t'aime (French) / Kimi wo Suki na Riyuu
kamishiro kyouko
Volume 1 Chapter 4
Until Death Do Us Part

Until Death Do Us Part

Доки смерть не розлучить нас (Cyrillic) / 死がふたりを分かつまで / 直至死亡将我们分开 / 直至死亡將我們分開 / 終極感應 / เนตรปริศนาล่าทรชน / Jusqu' / à ce que la mort nous sépare (French) / Shi ga Futari wo Wakatsu Made / Until Death Do Us Part / Shi ga Futari o Wakatsu Made
takashige hiroshi / double-s
Seinen(M),Mature,Action,Drama,Martial Arts,Romance,Sci-Fi
Gakuen Alice

Gakuen Alice

Alice Academy / 学園アリス / 学园爱丽丝 / วัยซนคนมีพลังจิต / 爱丽丝学园 / 爱丽丝学院 / Học Viện Alice / 퍼니퍼니 학원 앨리스 / L'Académie Alice (French) / Perguruan Alice / 愛麗絲學院
higuchi tachibana
Shoujo(G),Action,Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Mystery,Psychological,Romance,School Life,Supernatural,Tragedy
Chapter 168
Uroshima Monogatari

Uroshima Monogatari

うろしま物語 / A Journey to Uroshima / Der Casanova Komplex / Voyage à Uroshima (French)
fukuyama youji
Chapter 5
Liar Game

Liar Game

ライアー ゲーム / 欺诈游戏 / لعبة الكذاب / 라이어 게임 / Hazug Játék(hungarian) / Laro ng Kasinungalingan (Filipino) / เกมหลอกคนลวง
kaitani shinobu
Usotsuki Lily

Usotsuki Lily

うそつきリリィ / うそつきリリィ 0 番外編 / うそつきリリィ番外編 Boy' / s Lily / 愛說謊的莉莉 / ไลเออร์ลิลลี่ (Thai) / 거짓말쟁이 릴리 / 엉터리 릴리 / Boy' / Chàng trai đặc biệt / Girls Love Twist / Liar Lily / Lily la menteuse (French) / Lily mentiroso / Sweets Honey / Usotsuki Lily Bangaihen Boy'
komura ayumi
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Gender Bender,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
12 Kagetsu

12 Kagetsu

12 Ka Getsu / 12 Mois (French) / 12 Months / 12ヵ月 / 12ヶ月 / 12个月 / Juni Ka Getsu
okazaki mari
Chapter 8
Shishunki Miman Okotowari

Shishunki Miman Okotowari

Bước Qua Tuổi 16 / Contes d'adolescence (French) / Forbidden to Pre-Adolescents / No Pre-teens Allowed / Shinshunki Miman Okotowari / The Affairs of a Young Girl / 思春期未満お断り
watase yuu
Volume 3 Chapter 0
Kindan no Koi de Ikou

🇪🇸Kindan no Koi de Ikou

禁断の恋でいこう / Let's go with Forbidden Love / Midnight Wolf (French) / 新禁断之恋
ohmi tomu
Useful Good-for-Nothing

🇪🇸Useful Good-for-Nothing

Muyong Jiyong
lee soo-hyeon
Comedy,Gender Bender,Romance,School Life
Chapter 73
Gakuen Ouji

🇪🇸Gakuen Ouji

Academy Ouji / Academy Prince / 学園王子 / 学园王子 / 學園王子 / Gakuen Ouji - Playboy Académie (French) / Gakuen Prince / 학원 왕자 / School Prince
yuzuki jun
Shoujo(G),Smut,Comedy,Drama,Harem,Romance,School Life
Volume 9 Chapter 35
Useful Good-for-Nothing

Useful Good-for-Nothing

Muyong Jiyong
lee soo-hyeon
Comedy,Gender Bender,Romance,School Life
Chapter 34
Kindan no Koi wo Shiyou

Kindan no Koi wo Shiyou

A Request to the Vampire / 禁断の恋をしよう / Kindan no Koi wo Shiyo / L'Amant de la nuit (French) / Let's Make Forbidden Love / Vanpaia ni Onegai
ohmi tomu
Volume 1 Chapter 5
Usagi Drop

Usagi Drop

A Funny Father / うさぎドロップ / うさぎドロップ 番外編 / Bunny Drop / 白兔玩偶 / 白兔糖 / 토끼 드롭스 / Rabbit Drop / Un drôle de père (French) / Usagi Drop: Bangai-hen / Usagi Drop: Bangaihen / Брошенный Кролик / הפלת ערנב
unita yumi
🇯🇵Josei(W),Comedy,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
Boku dake ga Inai Machi

Boku dake ga Inai Machi

只有我不在的街道 / 僕だけがいない街 / BokuMachi / Desaparecido / Die Stadt, in der es mich nicht gibt / Erased ((French)) / 나만 없는 거리 / Miasto, w którym mnie nie ma / The Town Only I Don't Live In / The Town Where Only I Am Missing / Градът, в който само мен ме няма / Город, в котором нет лишь меня / העיר שבה רק אני חסר / المدينة التي مسحت منها
sanbe kei
Seinen(M),Action,Drama,Mystery,Psychological,Romance,School Life,Supernatural,Tragedy
Shitsuji-sama no Okiniiri

Shitsuji-sama no Okiniiri

執事様のお気に入り / 学园管家 / 學園管家 / Butler-sama's Favorite / 爱上管家 / Lady and Butler (French) / Lord Butler's Favourite / Shitsuji-sama no Okini Iri / Shitsujisama no Okini Iri / 我的執事王子 / 我的执事王子 / 愛上管家
tsuyama fuyu / izawa rei
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,School Life
Volume 9 Chapter 36
Liselotte to Majo no Mori

Liselotte to Majo no Mori

リーゼロッテと魔女の森 / 童話魔女之森 / 莉泽罗缇与魔女之森 / 莉澤羅緹與魔女之森 / Liselotte & / Witch' / s Forest / Liselotte and the Forest of the Witch / Liselotte et la forêt de la sorcière (french)
takaya natsuki
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Fantasy,Romance,Slice of Life
Chapter 2
Wait! Wolf

Wait! Wolf

기다려! 늑대, Wait, Wolf!, Espera, lobo! (spanish), Sandali lang! Lobo, Đợi Em ( vietnamese), vent, ulv! (norwegian) Wacht, wolf! (Dutch)
hwang mi ri
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life
Half & Half (SEO Kouji)

Half & Half (SEO Kouji)

ハーフ アンド ハーフ / half and half (Seo Kouji) / half-half
seo kouji
Chapter 13
Otona no Yoru no Otogibanashi

Otona no Yoru no Otogibanashi

オトナの夜のお伽話 / Adult Tales of the Night(English) / les nocturnes histoires d'adultes(french)
toda megumi
Chapter 4


宫/我的野蛮王妃 / らぶきょんLOVEin景福宮 / 궁(宮) / Gung / Hoàng cung / Palace / Palace Story / Palais (French) / Princess Hours / The Royal Palace / 我的野蠻王妃 / 我的野蛮王妃
park so hee
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Historical,Romance,Slice of Life
Volume 6 Chapter 6
Nibelung no Yubiwa

Nibelung no Yubiwa

ニーベルングの指環 / Harlock Saga: The Ring of the Nibelung / L'Anneau des Nibelungen (French) / Nibelungen no Yubiwa / The Ring of the Nibelung
matsumoto leiji
Volume 2 Chapter 6
Chouka Kou

Chouka Kou

Путешествия Чангэ / 長歌行 / 장가행 / Chang Ge' / s Journey / Chouka Kou / Choukakou / Jang Ga Haeng / Li - Princesse vagabonde (French) / March of the Long Song / Song of the Long March / Trường Ca Hành / Chang Ge Xing
xia da
Chapter 59


宫/我的野蛮王妃 / らぶきょんLOVEin景福宮 / 궁(宮) / Gung / Hoàng cung / Palace / Palace Story / Palais (French) / Princess Hours / The Royal Palace / 我的野蠻王妃 / 我的野蛮王妃
park so hee
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Historical,Romance,Slice of Life
Chapter 0
Nineteen, Twenty-One

Nineteen, Twenty-One

十九歲二十一歲 / 열아홉스물하나 / 19-21 / Dix-Huit et Vingt Ans (French) / Nineteen Twenty One / Nineteen, Twenty One
john / jenna
Josei(W),Comedy,Drama,Psychological,Romance,Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 21
Ningen Konchuuki

Ningen Konchuuki

人間昆虫記 / Human Metamorphosis / La Femme insecte (French) / Ningen Konchūki / The Book of Human Insects
tezuka osamu
Chapter 3